# Getting started In this tutorial, we will deploy and run the SD-Core 5G core network using Juju and Terraform. As part of this tutorial, we will also deploy additional components (gNB Simulator - a 5G radio and a cellphone simulator, SD-Core Router - a software router facilitating communication between the core and the Radio Access Network (RAN)) to simulate usage of this network. Both gNB Simulator and SD-Core Router serve only demonstration purposes and shouldn't be part of production deployments. To complete this tutorial, you will need a machine which meets the following requirements: - A recent `x86_64` CPU (Intel 4ᵗʰ generation or newer, or AMD Ryzen or newer) - At least 4 cores - 8GB of RAM - 50GB of free disk space ## 1. Install MicroK8s From your terminal, install MicroK8s: ```console sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.27-strict/stable ``` Add your user to the `snap_microk8s` group: ```console sudo usermod -a -G snap_microk8s $USER newgrp snap_microk8s ``` Add the community repository MicroK8s addon: ```console sudo microk8s addons repo add community https://github.com/canonical/microk8s-community-addons --reference feat/strict-fix-multus ``` Enable the following MicroK8s addons. We must give MetalLB an address range that has at least 3 IP addresses for Charmed Aether SD-Core. ```console sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage sudo microk8s enable multus sudo microk8s enable metallb: ``` ## 2. Bootstrap a Juju controller From your terminal, install Juju. ```console sudo snap install juju --channel=3.4/stable ``` Bootstrap a Juju controller ```console juju bootstrap microk8s ``` ```{note} There is a [bug](https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1988355) in Juju that occurs when bootstrapping a controller on a new machine. If you encounter it, create the following directory: `mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/.local/share` ``` ## 3. Install Terraform From your terminal, install Terraform. ```console sudo snap install terraform --classic ``` ## 4. Create Terraform module On the host machine create a new directory called `terraform`: ```console mkdir terraform ``` Inside newly created `terraform` directory create a `terraform.tf` file: ```console cd terraform cat << EOF > terraform.tf terraform { required_providers { juju = { source = "juju/juju" version = ">= 0.11.0" } } } EOF ``` Create a Terraform module containing the SD-Core 5G core network, 5G radio and a cellphone simulator and a router: ```console cat << EOF > main.tf resource "juju_model" "sdcore" { name = "sdcore" } module "sdcore-router" { source = "git::https://github.com/canonical/sdcore-router-k8s-operator//terraform?ref=v1.4" channel = "1.4/beta" model_name = juju_model.sdcore.name depends_on = [juju_model.sdcore] } module "sdcore" { source = "git::https://github.com/canonical/terraform-juju-sdcore//modules/sdcore-k8s?ref=v1.4" model_name = juju_model.sdcore.name create_model = false traefik_config = { routing_mode = "subdomain" } depends_on = [module.sdcore-router] } module "gnbsim" { source = "git::https://github.com/canonical/sdcore-gnbsim-k8s-operator//terraform?ref=v1.4" channel = "1.4/beta" model_name = juju_model.sdcore.name depends_on = [module.sdcore-router] } resource "juju_integration" "gnbsim-amf" { model = juju_model.sdcore.name application { name = module.gnbsim.app_name endpoint = module.gnbsim.fiveg_n2_endpoint } application { name = module.sdcore.amf_app_name endpoint = module.sdcore.fiveg_n2_endpoint } } resource "juju_integration" "gnbsim-nms" { model = juju_model.sdcore.name application { name = module.gnbsim.app_name endpoint = module.gnbsim.fiveg_gnb_identity_endpoint } application { name = module.sdcore.nms_app_name endpoint = module.sdcore.fiveg_gnb_identity_endpoint } } EOF ``` ```{note} You can get a ready example by cloning [this Git repository](https://github.com/canonical/charmed-aether-sd-core) and switching to the `v1.4` branch. All necessary files are in the `examples/terraform/getting_started` directory. ``` ## 5. Deploy SD-Core Initialize Juju Terraform provider: ```console terraform init ``` Deploy 5G network. ```console terraform apply -auto-approve ``` The deployment process should take approximately 15-20 minutes. Monitor the status of the deployment: ```console juju switch sdcore watch -n 1 -c juju status --color --relations ``` The deployment is ready when all the charms are in the `Active/Idle` state. It is normal for `grafana-agent` to remain in waiting state. Example: ```console ubuntu@host:~$ juju status Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp sdcore microk8s-localhost microk8s/localhost 3.4.2 unsupported 10:15:12+02:00 App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Address Exposed Message amf active 1 sdcore-amf-k8s 1.4/beta 160 no ausf active 1 sdcore-ausf-k8s 1.4/beta 139 no gnbsim active 1 sdcore-gnbsim-k8s 1.4/beta 108 no grafana-agent 0.35.2 waiting 1 grafana-agent-k8s latest/stable 64 no installing agent mongodb active 1 mongodb-k8s 6/beta 38 no Primary nms active 1 sdcore-nms-k8s 1.4/beta 127 no nrf active 1 sdcore-nrf-k8s 1.4/beta 142 no nssf active 1 sdcore-nssf-k8s 1.4/beta 116 no pcf active 1 sdcore-pcf-k8s 1.4/beta 120 no router active 1 sdcore-router-k8s 1.4/beta 109 no self-signed-certificates active 1 self-signed-certificates latest/stable 72 no smf active 1 sdcore-smf-k8s 1.4/beta 134 no traefik v2.11.0 active 1 traefik-k8s latest/stable 176 no udm active 1 sdcore-udm-k8s 1.4/beta 104 no udr active 1 sdcore-udr-k8s 1.4/beta 114 no upf active 1 sdcore-upf-k8s 1.4/beta 161 no webui active 1 sdcore-webui-k8s 1.4/beta 86 no Unit Workload Agent Address Ports Message amf/0* active idle ausf/0* active idle gnbsim/0* active idle grafana-agent/0* blocked idle logging-consumer: off, grafana-cloud-config: off mongodb/0* active idle Primary nms/0* active idle nrf/0* active idle nssf/0* active idle pcf/0* active idle router/0* active idle self-signed-certificates/0* active idle smf/0* active idle traefik/0* active idle udm/0* active idle udr/0* active idle upf/0* active idle webui/0* active idle ``` ## 6. Configure the ingress Get the IP address of the Traefik application: ```console juju status traefik ``` In this tutorial, the IP is ``. Please note it, as we will need it in the next step. Configure Traefik to use an external hostname. To do that, edit `traefik_config` in the `main.tf` file: ``` :caption: main.tf (...) module "sdcore" { (...) traefik_config = { routing_mode = "subdomain" external_hostname = "" } (...) } (...) ``` Apply new configuration: ```console terraform apply -auto-approve ``` Retrieve the NMS address: ```console juju run traefik/0 show-proxied-endpoints ``` The output should be `https://sdcore-nms.`. Navigate to this address in your browser. ## 7. Configure the 5G core network through the Network Management System In the Network Management System (NMS), create a network slice with the following attributes: - Name: `default` - MCC: `208` - MNC: `93` - UPF: `upf-external.sdcore.svc.cluster.local:8805` - gNodeB: `sdcore-gnbsim-gnbsim` You should see the following network slice created: ```{image} ../images/nms_network_slice.png :alt: NMS Network Slice :align: center ``` Create a subscriber with the following attributes: - IMSI: `208930100007487` - OPC: `981d464c7c52eb6e5036234984ad0bcf` - Key: `5122250214c33e723a5dd523fc145fc0` - Sequence Number: `16f3b3f70fc2` - Network Slice: `default` - Device Group: `default-default` You should see the following subscriber created: ```{image} ../images/nms_subscriber.png :alt: NMS Subscriber :align: center ``` ## 8. Run the 5G simulation Run the simulation: ```console juju run gnbsim/leader start-simulation ``` The simulation executed successfully if you see `success: "true"` as one of the output messages: ```console ubuntu@host:~$ juju run gnbsim/leader start-simulation Running operation 1 with 1 task - task 2 on unit-gnbsim-0 Waiting for task 2... info: run juju debug-log to get more information. success: "true" ``` ## 9. Destroy the environment Destroy Terraform deployment: ```console terraform destroy -auto-approve ``` ```{note} Terraform does not remove anything from the working directory. If needed, please clean up the `terraform` directory manually by removing everything except for the `main.tf` and `terraform.tf` files. ``` Destroy the Juju controller and all its models: ```console juju kill-controller microk8s-localhost ```