Deploy SD-Core User Plane Machine

This guide covers how to deploy the User Plane Function (UPF) as a machine charm.


  • Juju controller bootstrapped for a manual cloud

  • A model named “user-plane” added to the Juju controller

  • A machine added to the “user-plane” model, with the following requirements:

    • A host with a CPU supporting AVX2 and RDRAND instructions (Intel Haswell, AMD Excavator or equivalent)

  • Terraform installed

  • Git


Get the Charmed Aether SD-Core Terraform UPF Machine module by cloning the Charmed Aether SD-Core UPF module Git repository. Inside the terraform directory, create a terraform.tfvars file to set the name of Juju model and machine number for the deployment. You will also need to provide the appropriate network configuration.

git clone
cd sdcore-upf-operator/terraform/

cat << EOF > terraform.tfvars
machine_number = 0
model_name = "user-plane"
config = {
  upf-mode = "af_packet"
  dnn = "internet"
  enable-hw-checksum = true
  access-interface-name = "enp6s0"
  access-ip = ""
  access-gateway-ip = ""
  access-interface-mtu-size = 1500
  core-interface-name = "enp7s0"
  core-ip = ""
  core-gateway-ip = ""
  core-interface-mtu-size = 1500
  gnb-subnet = ""

Initialize Juju Terraform provider:

terraform init

Deploy the machine charm to the machine number specified in the terraform.tfvars file.

terraform apply -var-file="terraform.tfvars" -auto-approve